” 24 / 24 ” a Collective Exhibition
by Studio H13.
We decided that art should have its advent calendar so we made it.
Each day discover a new piece of art by one of the 24 artists we selected.
From december the 1st to Christmass eve, 24 pieces of art were shown one by one, day per day, on the principle of the advent calendar from the Studio H13 front window.
24 artists and artworks are now gather in tha whole space with some more pieces from our artists selection for a retrospective group show.
Original works, reproductions & edition works try to present a bit more of the univers of each artist represented.
Damien Cottin, Bloome, LOG, Jan Melka, Jérémy Cortial aka Chienpo Logique, Krea, Michel Moskovtchenko, Spectr, France Mermet, Cédric Laplace, Groovedge Record Store, Totipote, Tristan Perreton Aka der Kommissar, Hector Mosko, Karl Girard, Jimmy Gaillard, Alexandre Bavard, Mosa, Marion Jeudy, Antoine Eckart, Industrie 950, Félicité Landrivon.